Fluffy Dice  (verse) Robson Books
The Dust Behind the Door (verse+ a play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Mare’) Robson Books
Teaching the Wind Plurals (poetry) Robson Books
A Map of the Territory (poetry) Oxford/Carcanet
The Choir Outing (poetry) Oxford/Carcanet pub. April 2010
The Lantern and the Looking Glass (lit.crit) SPCK
A Motley Wisdom The Best of Chesterton (critical anthology) Hodder & Stoughton
Theatrecraft: an Actor’s notes on his Trade  Marc Europe (Shaw in the USA)
One stage Further (sketches + a Christmas Play: ‘Angel at Large’) Marc Europe
Norman MacCaig, critical essays (contributor) Edinburgh University Press
Dongs, Daffodils and Damp Souls, a Handbook for Poets. Unpublished.

The Screwtape Letters  full-length adaptation for the stage of C.S. Lewis’s classic; first performed by Saltmine Theatre company.
The Screwtape Letters  one-act version; first performed by Riding Lights Theatre Company
Waxwings (a radio play) performed on R4 with Roy Hudd
The last Cuckoo  (one actor)first performed by Andrew Harrison
High Tide  (two actors) first performed by Andrew Harrison and Ian Gemmell
The Brothers Grimm  Children’s play first performed by Sixth Sense Theatre Co.
Molly the Maker and the Long Lost Lake  Children’s play first performed by Sixth Sense
The Crowborough Passion  The Life of Christ. Massive play, massive cast reducible. Commissioned by and first performed in Crowborough.
Friendly Fire  play set in the English Civil Wars.  Cast of 6, first performed by Riding Lights Theatre Co.
Invisible Ink  for junior children – how poetry works; first performed by the author and Riding Lights Theatre Co. with a poetry workshop following.

(all first performed by Riding Lights Theatre Company.)
God Rest Ye Merry
A Winter’s Tale (subsequently performed as ‘Melchior’s Magical Mystery Quest’)
On Christmas Night
Angel at Large
How far Is it to Bethlehem? (subsequently performed as ‘The Christmas Conspiracy’)
When Worlds Collide
Nearly, the Goat (two men + puppetry)

Japanese Folk Tales
NativeAmerican Folk Tales
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
Stories from the Old Testament
Stories from the New Testament.
The Works of Nigel Forde